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MathSoc white T-Shirt Social

Tuesday 11th October 2016

Get hyped for our first social of the year!
Massive welcome to Mathsoc; get hyped for our first social of the year! Please come in a white t-shirt that you don't mind getting written/ math'd on and bring a sharpie if you can (we will provide some)! We're going to meet in Cuth's bar at 20:30, and then make our way down the bailey (John's, Chad's, Hatfield, Castle) every half an hour, to finish at Klute at 11 And don't forget, if you're a member of mathsoc, your first drink will be on us! (You can become a member here if you're not already) GET EXCITED!!!

©2024 by Durham University Mathematical Society
Durham University Mathematical Society is a Durham SU student group whose details are: Durham Students' Union (Also known as Durham SU or DSU) is a charity registered in England and Wales (1145400)and a company limited by guarantee (07689815),and its principal address is Dunelm House, New Elvet, Durham, County Durham, DH1 3AN.

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